Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rectangular Swimming Pool

If you have been thinking about getting a swimming pool, and have been checking out your local pool shops, you have probably already figured out that the majority of above ground pools being sold offline are circular in shape. Not everyone wants or needs a round pool though. There are many people who prefer a rectangular swimming pool. Just taking a look at the shape of most in-ground swimming pools should be sufficient proof of that.

Some may wonder why something like the shape of a pool would even matter to someone. There are actually a couple of very good reasons why one would choose to purchase a pool with squared off corners. Probably the most common reason is simply a matter of logistics. Some people are working with smaller pieces of property and they need to purchase a rectangular pool that will fit into their available space. Not everyone lives on a sprawling estate, but everyone would like the opportunity to stay cool during the hot summer months. People living in areas with lots that are relatively small often have yards that have been laid out in a shape that is roughly a square or rectangle. Obviously, most pool makers have not taken people in this situation into account. It is simply a matter of basic geometry. A huge round peg will not fit into a square hole! Considering the huge numbers of people living in pre-measured, relatively small lots, one would think that more manufacturers would be making rectangular swimming pools.

The shape of the yard is not the only deciding factor however. Some people prefer rectangular above ground swimming pools because they lend themselves well to swimming laps or playing games like pool volleyball. Other people just have a preference for a nice squared off appearance like they are used to seeing with in-ground pools.

Many people have only been able to find inflatable pools to fit their rectangular yards. Fortunately, there is at least one pool maker who has addressed the needs of people looking for a larger, more permanent rectangular swimming pool. Intex actually sells an entire above ground swimming pool kit that is rectangular in shape. An added bonus of their system is the fact that it comes with a saltwater filter that eliminates the need for purchasing a constant supply of expensive swimming pool chemicals.

If you have been wanting a rectangular pool for your yard, but have been struggling to find a suitable model, you should know that they do exist. You may not find these pools at your local dealer, but they can be found on the Internet, and they often include free shipping.

If you have been struggling to find the right pool for your yard, you might want to check out the Intex rectangular pool set. You will probably find that online swimming pool dealers often will have a larger selection than local pool shops can offer.

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